Student and Alumni Stories

Antionette: “I decided to be brave and teach ESOL even though my only language is English.”

Christina: “The TESOL Progam was a transformative experience for me.”

Yaya: “[The Program] made me feel important.”

Bitna: “We have students of all ages and backgrounds”

Jignasha: “The TESOL program is the best thing that happened to me in all of my years.”

Terrica: “The TESOL program helped me be more comfortable with teaching”

Melissa: “You can’t go wrong with this program.”



Awards and Recognition

Best online Master's in English Language Learning Program

Ranked Top 10 nationwide and Best in the Southeast by Intelligent.com

Best Colleges: Best Online Master's English Language Learning

Ranked #3 nationwide by BestColleges.com

© 2024 TESOL Program, Department of Education, UMBC, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore MD 21250
Phone: +1 410 455-3061 • tesol@umbc.edu